Host name:
IP :
File locations:
apps - /oracle/D1/apps (SHARED)
db - /oracle/PROD/db
inst - /oracle/PROD/inst
Secondary Node:
Host Name:
IP :
File Locations:
apps - /oracle/D1/apps (Mounted from genius)
inst - /oracle/PROD
Sharing File System with NFS :
Here as we installed the apps (Application File System) in /oracle/D1 mount point, it should be shared across all the nodes. The same can be achieved through NFS (Network File System)
The followings are the steps:
1. In primary system i.e genius, login as root add an entry of the folder which is being shared in the /etc/exports file as shown below
Note: /oracle/D1 is the folder to be shared from the local machine and is the another node to which the folder should be exported. The 'rw' indicates that the folder is being shared with read write permission and 'sync' indicates that target should be synchronized with source always.
2. Once the entry is made, restart the NFS services in the primary node to bring the changes to effect.
as root - /sbin/service nfs restart
3. In the 'prodn' host machine create the mount point same as the 'genius' node. i.e /oracle/D1
4. As a root mount the folder to the local folder – mount /oracle/D1
5. To keep the folder to be mounted even after the secondary node restarts, add a entry in /etc/fstab of secondary node. /oracle/D1 nfs rw 0 0
Installing a Shared Application Tier File System with Release 12 Rapid Install
Rapid Install configures multi-node systems to use a shared application tier file system as the default. Before you run Rapid Install, you must do the following:
1. Allocate the shared file system for the installation – This we have already done in the above steps
2. User ID and name should be same in both Primary and Secondary nodes to avoid the permission problems.
3. The shared file system must be mounted on all the application nodes, so that the file system layout is same across all the nodes.
4. Normal pre-requisites required for the installation of the R12 Application should be done.Now start the Rapid Install and follow the below slides for reference.
Read-Only Node Implementation for Shared Application Tier Node File System
The read-only file system node can be configured to perform any of the standard application tier services, such as Forms, Web and Concurrent Processing (Batch). Admin capability should not be configured on this node. The file system associated with APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, Tools Oracle Home and Web Oracle Home must be mounted as read-only. This will ensure that any process running on this node will not be able to create or update or delete any file in the file system. The file system associated with Instance Home must have read and write permissions.
Primary Node:
APPL_TOP : /oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/appl Read only
COMN_TOP: /oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn Read only
OracleAS 10.1.2 Tools Oracle Home: /oracle/D1/apps/tech_st/visora/10.1.2 Read only
OracleAS 10.1.3 Web Oracle Home: /oracle/D1/apps/tech_st/visora/10.1.3 Read only
INST_TOP: /oracle/PROD/apps/PROD_genius Read only
Adding a Node to a Shared Application Tier File System
Prepare existing node
Execute Rapid Clone on the existing node.As the APPLMGR user, log in to the node that is sharing the file system and execute the following commands:
$ cd
Below colored lines are the terminal output.
[oracle@genius ~]cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
[oracle@genius scripts]$ perl appsTier
Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
Redwood Shores, California, USA
Oracle Applications Rapid Clone
Version 12.0.0
adpreclone Version 120.15.12000000.5
perl /oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/bin/ java=/oracle/D1/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/appsutil/jdk mode=stage stage=/oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn/clone component=appsTier method=CUSTOM appctx=/oracle/PROD/inst/apps/PROD_genius/appl/admin/PROD_genius.xml showProgress
APPS Password :
Beginning application tier Stage - Fri Feb 6 12:09:53 2009
/oracle/D1/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/appsutil/jdk/bin/java -Xmx600M -DCONTEXT_VALIDATED=false -Doracle.installer.oui_loc=/oui -classpath /oracle/D1/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/lib/xmlparserv2.jar:/oracle/D1/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar:/oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes:/oracle/D1/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/oui/jlib/OraInstaller.jar:/oracle/D1/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/oui/jlib/ewt3.jar:/oracle/D1/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/oui/jlib/share.jar:/oracle/D1/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/oui/jlib/srvm.jar:/oracle/D1/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/jlib/ojmisc.jar -e /oracle/PROD/inst/apps/PROD_genius/appl/admin/PROD_genius.xml -stage /oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn/clone -tmp /tmp -method CUSTOM -showProgress
Log file located at /oracle/PROD/inst/apps/PROD_genius/admin/log/StageAppsTier_02061210.log
/ 80% completed
Completed Stage...
Fri Feb 6 12:11:51 2009
[oracle@genius scripts]$
Note: User ID and group ID should be consistent across nodes in a shared file system to avoid file access permission issues. You must retain the same absolute path for the mount points of the shared file system on each node.
Configure the node to be added
Secondary Node:
We need to copy the context file from the Primary node to the secondary node. Copy to the location where it should be accessible for the applmgr user. Like in this example it is copied to “/oracle/PROD_genius.xml”.
Then run the following commands,
$ cd $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin $ perl addnode contextfile=/oracle/PROD_genius.xml
Below are the terminal output for the above commands.
[oracle@prodn bin]$ perl addnode \
> contextfile=/oracle/PROD_genius.xml
Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
Redwood Shores, California, USA
Oracle Applications Rapid Clone
Version 12.0.0
adclonectx Version 120.18.12000000.5
/oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/../jre/bin/java -Xmx600M -classpath /oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/../jlib/ojdbc14.jar:/oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/../jlib/xmlparserv2.jar:/oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/../jlib/java -e /oracle/PROD_genius.xml -addnode
Enter the APPS password : apps
Log file located at /oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_02181651.log
Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.
Target System Hostname (virtual or normal) [prodn] :
It is recommended that your inputs are validated by the program.
However you might choose not to validate them under following circumstances:
-If cloning a context on source system for a remote system.
-If cloning a context on a machine where the ports are taken and
you do not want to shutdown the services at this point.
-If cloning a context but the database it needs to connect is not available.
Do you want the inputs to be validated (y/n) [n] ? : y
Target System Root Service [enabled] :
Target System Web Entry Point Services [enabled] :
Target System Web Application Services [enabled] :
Target System Batch Processing Services [enabled] : disabled
Target System Other Services [disabled] :
Do you want to preserve the Display [genius:0.0] (y/n) ? : n
Target System Display [prodn:0.0] :
Database port is 1521
Do you want the the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n) [y] ? : y
Complete port information available at /oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/out/PROD_prodn/portpool.lst
UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories.
1. /usr/tmp
2. /usr/tmp
3. /oracle/PROD/db/tech_st/10.2.0/appsutil/outbound/PROD_genius
4. /usr/tmp
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1] :
Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from :
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Log file located at /oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_02181651.log
Check Clone Context logfile /oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_02181651.log for details.
[oracle@prodn bin]$
The above command will create a new context file for the node in the secondary node. The next step is to run the AutoConfig utility which will generate the new Instance Home for this node and update the required tables in the database.
$ perl $AD_TOP/bin/ \contextfile=
Below are the terminal output for the above command.
[oracle@prodn bin]$ perl \
Enter the APPS user password:
The log file for this session is located at: /oracle/PROD/inst/apps/PROD_prodn/admin/log/02061558/adconfig.log
AutoConfig is configuring the Applications environment...
AutoConfig will consider the custom templates if present.
Using CONFIG_HOME location : /oracle/PROD/inst/apps/PROD_prodn
Classpath : /oracle/D1/apps/apps_st/comn/java/lib/
Using Context file : /oracle/PROD/inst/apps/PROD_prodn/appl/admin/PROD_prodn.xml
Context Value Management will now update the Context file
Updating Context file...COMPLETED
Attempting upload of Context file and templates to database...COMPLETED
Configuring templates from all of the product tops...
Configuring AD_TOP........COMPLETED
Configuring FND_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring ICX_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring IEO_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring BIS_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring AMS_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring CCT_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring WSH_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring CLN_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring OKE_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring OKL_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring OKS_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring CSF_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring IGS_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring IBY_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring JTF_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring MWA_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring CN_TOP........COMPLETED
Configuring CSI_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring WIP_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring CSE_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring EAM_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring FTE_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring ONT_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring AR_TOP........COMPLETED
Configuring AHL_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring OZF_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring IES_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring CSD_TOP.......COMPLETED
Configuring IGC_TOP.......COMPLETED
AutoConfig completed successfully.
[oracle@prodn bin]$
With this secondary node is created and we can access that through the URL –
And if you try to access the primary node URL – that will inturn revert you to the http://prodn.chainsys:8000/ itself.
If you run autoconfig on the again, this will make the latest autoconfig run machine as the primary. This is normal behavior of Oracle Applications. Let us discuss, the profile options for the users to use the seconday server's forms and reports, soon........... If you need the profile options, then just ping me on the comments area..
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Balaji Srinivasan
ReplyDeleteAre you experience in Unix for Solaris Spark?
Sorry.. i have not noted about the OS. I did in the Linux Redhat $ updae 5. Hope the same procedure will work in Solaris Spark also.
ReplyDeleteGreat notes...
so how do you configure for both nodes to be accessible instead of being kicked into the primary?
Thanks for your good work
ReplyDeletewhat about the profile option ?
Moahmed Azab
Regarding the profile option .. so is it possible to use both apps node without being redirected to the other?
ReplyDeleteI'm also very interested to know how..
ReplyDeleteI have the same issue I implemented DNS load balance and its working. but ltr I removed DNS load balancing and implemented H/W netscalar citirix load balancer.
With lbr url am getting the login page and am able to see the responsibilities but when i am trying to open forms I am getting the error message : server returened http respone code 500 for url
If you faced any issue pls let me know.
my mail id is :
thanks in advance.
Check the profile options.
ReplyDeleteCheck the profile options either they are correctly set for LBR IP/hostname
1. Applications Web Agent APPS_WEB_AGENT
2. Applications Servlet Agent APPS_SERVLET_AGENT
3. Applications JSP Agent APPS_JSP_AGENT
4. Applications Framework Agent APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT
6. Applications Help Web Agent HELP_WEB_AGENT
7. Applications Portal APPS_PORTAL