Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Shared APPL_TOP (Read only) in R12

Primary Node:
Host name: genius.chainsys.com
IP :
File locations:
apps - /oracle/D1/apps (SHARED)
db - /oracle/PROD/db
inst - /oracle/PROD/inst

Secondary Node:
Host Name: prodn.chainsys.com
IP :
File Locations:
apps - /oracle/D1/apps (Mounted from genius)
inst - /oracle/PROD

Sharing File System with NFS :

Here as we installed the apps (Application File System) in /oracle/D1 mount point, it should be shared across all the nodes. The same can be achieved through NFS (Network File System)

The followings are the steps:

1. In primary system i.e genius, login as root add an entry of the folder which is being shared in the /etc/exports file as shown below

Note: /oracle/D1 is the folder to be shared from the local machine and is the another node to which the folder should be exported. The 'rw' indicates that the folder is being shared with read write permission and 'sync' indicates that target should be synchronized with source always.

2. Once the entry is made, restart the NFS services in the primary node to bring the changes to effect.
as root - /sbin/service nfs restart

3. In the 'prodn' host machine create the mount point same as the 'genius' node. i.e /oracle/D1
4. As a root mount the folder to the local folder – mount /oracle/D1
5. To keep the folder to be mounted even after the secondary node restarts, add a entry in /etc/fstab of secondary node. /oracle/D1 nfs rw 0 0

Installing a Shared Application Tier File System with Release 12 Rapid Install

Rapid Install configures multi-node systems to use a shared application tier file system as the default. Before you run Rapid Install, you must do the following:

1. Allocate the shared file system for the installation – This we have already done in the above steps
2. User ID and name should be same in both Primary and Secondary nodes to avoid the permission problems.
3. The shared file system must be mounted on all the application nodes, so that the file system layout is same across all the nodes.
4. Normal pre-requisites required for the installation of the R12 Application should be done.
5. Now start the Rapid Install and follow the below slides for reference.

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