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Thursday, November 07, 2013

FUNCTION: ADOP::Phase::executeSQL [ Level 1 ] ERRORMSG: Invalid Credentials

During the Autoconfig on patch filesystem on EBS 12.2,

We were not able to generate the TNS.

The error was not able to create listener.ora at the Patch filesystem. The error was misleading actually.

Once we completed the

adop phase=fs_clone,

we were about to apply the TXK Patches.

At that time, the patch prepare phase fails with error message:

*******FATAL ERROR*******
PROGRAM : (/oracle/CEL122/apps/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/bin/
TIME    : Thu Nov  7 16:05:56 2013
FUNCTION: ADOP::Phase::executeSQL [ Level 1 ]
ERRORMSG: Invalid Credentials

adop exiting with status = 1 (Fail)

Cause was described in the metalink:

The cause as per MOS:
Services Summary...
Service "Xxx" has 1 instance(s).
 Instance "XXX", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully

In the init.ora service_names=,ebs_patch exist but no local_listener available and listener is not using default port . There for even though following command does not give any errors service is not registering .
alter system set SERVICE_NAMES=',ebs_patch';



1. Add following line to init.ora:

local_listener = SID_LOCAL
In this SID is database instance name.


local_listener = XXX_LOCAL

2. Restart database.

3. Retest the issue.

4. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environment

It just killed the entire day.

Now able to complete the autoconfig on Patch filesystem and can run the patches.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Oracle E Business Suite 12.2 is available

Great news.. that Oracle Has released its long expected Oracle EBS 12.2 has been released today. As per Steven Chan's blog.

It has been released for Linux 64 Bit.

The features will be:
Hundreds of new features
Includes significant enhancements across the integrated suite of business applications spanning enterprise resource planning, human capital management, and supply chain management.  You can find the complete list here:

Online Patching

Apply EBS patches while users are still entering transactions and using the E-Business Suite.  Online Patching uses the Oracle Database's Edition-Based Redefinition feature and other new technologies to allow the E-Business Suite to be updated while the system is still running. You can learn more about Online Patching via our official documentation and this technical webcast.
WebLogic Server
Uses Oracle WebLogic Server, which replaces the Oracle Containers for Java (OC4J) application server used in EBS 12.0 and 12.1.  You can learn more about how this improves the system administration experience via our official documentation and this technical webcast.
Streamlined installation
  • Option for installing EBS 12.2 on to existing database servers.
  • Capability of installation into existing Real Application Clusters environments.
  • Database deployment on Automatic Storage Management (ASM) and other file systems.

Upgrade Options?


Upgrading to EBS 12.2
Is there a direct upgrade path from EBS 11i to 12.2?
Yes, there is a direct upgrade path from EBS to EBS 12.2.  EBS customers do not have to install an intermediary EBS 12 release (such as 12.1.3) before upgrading to EBS 12.2.  EBS customers must have applied the minimum baseline patch requirements for Extended Support as described in Patch Requirements for Extended Support of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11.5.10 (Document 883202.1). Customers on earlier EBS 11i releases (such as 11.5.7) need to be at the level plus the minimum baseline patch requirements for Extended Support before they can upgrade to EBS 12.2.
Is there a direct upgrade path from EBS 12.0 to 12.2?
Yes, there is a direct upgrade path from EBS 12.0.4 and 12.0.6 to EBS 12.2.  EBS 12.0.4 or 12.0.6 customers do not have to install an intermediary EBS 12 release (such as 12.1.3) before upgrading to EBS 12.2.  Customers on earlier EBS 12.0 releases (such as 12.0.3) will need to be at the 12.0.4 or 12.0.6 level before they can upgrade to EBS 12.2.
Is there a direct upgrade path from EBS 12.1 to 12.2?
Yes, there is a direct upgrade path from EBS 12.1.1, 12.1.2, and 12.1.3 to EBS 12.2.

For more details:

§ EBS 12.2 Documentation Library (Oracle Technology Network)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Integrated SOA Gateway - Part 2

Part -1

Now run the Main patch 8626084/Disk1

$ ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc

1)      Ensure that all OC4J instances are up and running prior to applying this patch.

2) At this time, Oracle Application Tier will be shut down. There will be a brief pause in the installer when the application tier processes are stopped.

Click the 'OK' button to proceed with the installation.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5
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