Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Control Scripts spawing process.. To find out the Grep Values







Grep Value


adalnctl.sh APPS_ listener 806 CM lsnrctl adalnctl.txt tnslsnr both
adapcctl.sh Apache Listener Apache Web apachectl error_log**** Apache* oracle
adcmctl.sh Concurrent Manager 806 CM startmgr None FNDLIBR applmgr
addbctl.sh# Database 816 DB sqlplus** None smon oracle
addlnctl.sh# Listener 816 DB lsnrctl addlnctl.sh tnslsnr both
adfmcctl.sh Forms Metrics Server 806 Forms d2lc60 d2lc60.txt d2lc60 both
adfmsctl.sh Forms Metrics Server 806 Forms d2ls60 d2ls60.txt d2ls60 both
adfroctl.sh# Forms Server Listener 806 Forms f60ctl f60svrm.txt f60srvm both
adrepctl.sh Reports Server 806 CM rwmts60 adrepctl.txt rwmts60 both
adtcfctl.sh*** TCF Server 806 Web jre adtcfctl.txt jre both
adwdbctl.sh# WebDB 2.5 Listener webdb Web wdblsnr.ctl wdb25ctl.txt wdblsnr both
adwlnctl.sh# WebDB 2.2 Listener 806 Forms wdbstart adwlnctl.txt wdbstart both

* The Apache Listener will have 7 processes running, so when you grep you should see 7 lines with Apache.

** addbctl.sh uses the .sql scripts adstrtdb.sql and adstopdb.sql in the same directory to start and stop the database.

*** You can get status on the TCF server by using ' adtcfctl.sh status'

**** If the apache server will not start, you can check the following file: common_top/util/apache/1.3.9/Apache/Apache/logs/error_log
# Note: There are some changes in the name, location, and existence of the scripts in Release 11.5.2.
> addbctl and addlnctl are now located in the 8.1.6 ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts directory.
> adfroctl is now named adfrmctl
> The two web scripts, adwdbctl and adwlnctl no longer exist, because Apache is the sole web server for 11.5.2.

Examples of how to grep to see if a process is running:

1. To see if the Forms Server Listener is running you would use the following UNIX command:
$ ps -ef | grep -i f60srvm
If the Forms Server Listener is running you will get something back like:
oracle 1104 1 0 12:36:11 pts/6 0:00 f60srvm port=9603 pool=1 mode=http exe=f60webmx

2. To see if the WebDB 2.2 listener was running you would use:
$ ps -ef | grep -i wdbstart
If the WebDB 2.2 listener is running you will get something like this:
oracle 14942 1 0 Jun 05 pts/6 0:00 /bin/csh -f /u02/oracle/visora/8.0.6/bin/

wdbstart iassun7 9602

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