Monday, December 15, 2008

ApEx for Oracle Database ( -

Apex 3.1 works with all versions above 9203, (including Oracle 11g). In this article the steps are defined for Installing apex_3.1 on 10gR2 (

Step 1: Download 10gR2 software (
Step 2: Download 10gR2 Companion CD (for HTTP Server) (
Step 3: Download apex_3.1 from or
Step 4: Install 10gR2 software and create a general database as part of installation
Step 5: Install 10gR2 companion CD - you will have two options (HTMLDB + HTTP Server or only HTTP Server) (I selected HTMLDB + HTTP Server, not a must though, since we will be installing apex_3.1)
Step 6: Stop both oracle DB and Apache server just installed.
Step 7: Start the DB and let apache be down.
Step 8: Unzip (hereinafter referred as APEX_LOC)
Step 9: Pre-install requirements for APEX.
1. DB Requirement - Should be greater than 9203.
2. JVM Requirement - Need to be installed separetly if DB is less than 10gR1
3. Shared Pool Size of the database - ignore if sga_target is used, else it has to be atleast 100M;
4. HTTP Server (with mod_plsql) Requirements - Oracle9iR2 (9.2) or later / Oracle9iAS release 1 ( or later / Oracle Database 10g Companion CD release 1 or 2 / Oracle Database 11g release 1
5. Space Requirement -
For APEX Software Files - 450MB
For APEX objects (tablespace) - 125MB
SYSTEM Tablesapce - 85MB
6. Oracle XML DB Requirement - XML DB should be installed in the database
7. Oracle Text Requirement - for Searchable online help in APEX
8. PL/SQL Web toolkit - required Version (10gR2 brings in

In our approach, (10gR2 DB + 10gR2 Companion CD 1) we had satisfied 1,2,3,4 & 6 requirements. Perform below steps to satisfy 5, 7 & 8.

For 5: We can create a separate tablespace for APEX objects or we can use SYSAUX tables. Add appropriate datafiles to the tablespaces to meet the required free space.
For 7: Connect to db as ctxsys user and execute @ORACLE_HOME\ctx\admin\defaults\drdefus.sql (substitute ORACLE_HOME with actual path)
For 8: Go to the location where you had extracted apex_3.1 zip (APEX_LOC). Connect to db as sys user and execute owainst.sql (under apex\owa directory)
Execute “select owa_util.get_version from dual;” to verify the pl/sql web toolkit version.

Step 10: Install APEX 3.1
- Goto the location where you had extracted apex_3.1 zip. change location to apex directory under APEX_LOC.
- Connect to database as sys user and execute below command
- @apexins TS1 TS2 TEMP_TS /i/

TS1 => SYSAUX or (tablespace created for APEX)
TS2 => SYSAUX or (tablespace created for APEX)
TEMP_TS => Temporary tablesapce
/i/ => Location to store APEX Images (no need to mention any path, just leave it as /i/)
eg:(@apexins APEX_DATA APEX_DATA TEMP /i/)

Installation logfile will be located under APEX_LOC as installYYYY-MM-DD_HH24-MI-SS.log.

Step 11: Change Password for ADMIN Account
- Change directory to apex
- Connect to DB as sys user and execute
- @apxchpwd

(ADMIN user is the super user account simillar to SYS for DB)

Step 12: Configure HTTP Server
Step 12.1: Unlock APEX_PUBLIC_USER Account & change password

- Connect to db as sys user
- alter user apex_public_user account unlock;
- alter user apex_public_user identified by NEW_PASSWORD;

Step 12.2: Copy APEX Images
- Open APACHE_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/conf/marvel.con to identify default location set for images (/i/) (Hereinafter referred as IMAGE_LOC)
- Goto the location identified above (eg.C:/oracle/product/as/1020/htmldb/images/)
- Rename the images directory to images_old
- Copy APEX_LOC/apex/images to C:/oracle/product/as/1020/htmldb/

Step 12.3: Adding DAD entry to connect to APEX
- Open APACHE_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/dad.conf
- Past below entry

Alias /i/ “[ Put the IMAGE_LOC Value] “
AddType text/xml xbl
AddType text/x-component htc

Order deny,allow
PlsqlDocumentPath docs
AllowOverride None
PlsqlDocumentProcedure wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
PlsqlDatabaseConnectString hostname:port:SID
PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic
SetHandler pls_handler
PlsqlDocumentTablename wwv_flow_file_objects$
PlsqlDatabaseUsername APEX_PUBLIC_USER
PlsqlDefaultPage apex
PlsqlDatabasePassword APEX_PASSWORD
PlsqlRequestValidationFunction wwv_flow_epg_include_modules.authorize
Allow from all

Make sure these values are properly set before saving this file (marvel.conf)

1. IMAGE_LOC Value
2. hostname:port:SID => eg: localhost:1521:ORCL
3. APEX_PASSWORD => eg: password_you_had_selected_on_step_12.1

IF all the above values are set, save the file as marvel.conf

Step 13: Start HTTP Server (Start -> Programs -> Oracle)

Step 14: Access the admin page of APEX


Username: ADMIN
Password: Welcome.

I will keep you posted (Configuration of Apex with Oracle Applications Soon)
Good Luck!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Balaji, Useful information. Thanks.

    Vijay, Robert Bosch.
